NW Involvement Survey

NW Involvement Survey

Welcome to the Northwest family. This survey is designed to help the leadership at NW in assisting you to be actively involved in the work at NW. We have a goal of everyone being involved as the scripture teaches (Ephesians 4:13-16).


Please use the “Closing Comments” section for suggestions of other areas not covered in this survey. Your suggestion may lead us into an area of serving that can be added to our current program.


Email Address:
Encourage visitors, inactive members and new members through letters, visits, phone calls
Hospital visitation
Conduct a Bible study
Serve as a silent partner in a Bible study
Serve as a World Bible School teacher (online)
Invite a new Christian family/individual home or out for a meal
Mission/Outreach Assist with youth service projects
Assist with neighborhood outreach
Nursing home visits
Participate in card ministry
Plan/participate in an area outreach event
Worship Leader Read Scripture
Lead prayer
Lead singing
Preside at the Lord’s Supper
Deliver the Lord’s Supper to shut-ins
Present a short devotional lesson after 2nd Sunday fellowship meal
Assist with audiovisual program
Computer troubleshooting
Take photos for church directory/special events
Assist with church communications
Assist with Facebook and social media
Prepare weekly bulletin
Teach an adult class
Teach a children’s class
Assist with a children’s class
Teach a teen class
Plan and lead youth events (service projects or fun outings)
Chaperone a youth event
Serve on a VBS planning team
Assist with youth leadership development
Serve in the nursery
Coordinate nursery volunteers
Fellowship Participate in congregational fellowship
Provide childcare during church events
Host a social event in your home
Coordinate fellowship events for senior saints
Coordinate fellowship events for youth
Coordinate fellowship events for women
Coordinate fellowship events for men
Coordinate fellowship events for newcomers
Teach a ladies’ class
Organize meals for members in need (illness, bereavement, childbirth, etc.)
Planner for Ladies’ Day
Assist in preparations for Ladies’ Day
Assist with baptism (clothing and towels)
Plan wedding and baby showers
Help with kitchen maintenance
Help in preparation for a church activity
Help new members assimilate
Help with a Newcomers class
Serve on a Church Growth planning team
Encouraging visitors and absent members through letters, cards, visits, phone calls
Serve as a church greeter
Make welcome baskets for first time guests
Assist with a parent’s night out
Benevolence and
Crisis Care
Do minor maintenance for members in need
Provide yard work for members in need
Sit with/visit the sick
Babysit for those in need
Provide transportation for those in need
Assist in projects for the homeless
Building and
Grounds Maintenance
Provide routine maintenance on church facilities
Make repairs to the church facilities
Make church facilities improvements
Help with spring/fall cleanup
Help with mowing and landscaping
Help with mower/equipment maintenance
Comments List any additional ways you are interested in
serving that are not covered in this survey. Your
suggestion may lead us into an area of serving that can
be added to our current program.


This online form
was provided by Freedback.
